
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

My oldest child is almost 12, It’s feels weird even typing that, but we are steadily heading into these teen years at a roaring, never slowing down pace. He is moody, happy, moody, happy. He is loving, not loving, loving, not loving. He is sensitive about everything and I am never right. He wants to spend time with me. He doesn’t want to spend time with me. He ignores me in public, yet begs for conversation time at home. He is standing on the cusp of change and, while he yearns for independence, he also clings to what makes him feel safe and secure. Even if we fight like cats and dogs, at the end of the day, he knows his mom and dad are always on his side.

Sometimes I feel like my relationship with Jesus is the same as Brady’s relationship with me. I push Him away, I ignore Him and I am moody with Him. I don’t need Him and then I do need Him. Then I don’t and then I do. It is the same cycle over and over again.

I am thankful for His patience. Brady’s moods can certainly cause me to lose it instantly. Jesus, however, is there with open arms ready to wrap me up safely and securely. Even when I stray, over and over again. It’s not a patience I deserve.

Yet it’s one He is always willing to give.

His love is greater than anything I can ever imagine.

He will always be on my side.

No matter what.