Velvet Ropes

Once when Eli was 5, we visited a really old manor house near my Grandmother’s farm in England.  There were velvet ropes that blocked off every room and you could only walk through the hallways. Touching things was strictly forbidden.  I was even worried I might be scolded for accidentally brushing up against something. Naturally, this was extremely difficult for a very active 5 year old boy and Eli, being Eli, managed to drop a Lego over one of the ropes which then tripped the alarm. The entire room started buzzing, lights started flashing and I almost died of embarrassment- right there in the hallway.  

Do you think people sometimes think the same thing about becoming a Christian? They can look but not touch. They believe they are not worthy of joining the body of Christ. They have made too many mistakes. They believe in Jesus, or have a sense that He exists, but just don’t think they can get around those velvet ropes.

Thankfully, through Jesus, we also have full access to God and to His Kingdom. There are no velvet ropes, there are not blaring alarms. It’s just you and Him. Don’t think you are worthy to be on the other side of those ropes? Guess what? None of us are.

He’s going to love us regardless. 

We can even  drop a few Lego pieces along the way.

2 Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

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